TBR Lists

March TBR

Screenshot_20190302-143213This template was taken from TomeTraveler on Instagram

Well hello again fellow Book lovers, I hope you are having a wonderful start to March
New month, New TBR post, I am enjoying these TBR lists more than I ever thought I would, there is just something about knowing I can tick things off a list that makes me feel like I am being productive.

This month I decided to try something a little different with selecting my books though, I am trying out a TBR jar obviously I am still going to mood read other books throughout the month, but after finding it difficult to narrow it down to 5 last month I figured choosing 5 at random out of a jar would be an interesting solution.

In theory there shouldn’t be a worry about picking a book I don’t want to read, but there is a worry that I could select a book that wasn’t calling to me just yet.

So lets just jump on in and see what I have selected for the month.

Girl in Pieces

The Day we Met 

The Debt & The Doormat

The Last Namsara

Wilde Like Me

I am pretty happy with my random selection this month, There were actually a couple of these that I was planning on reading soon.

Do you set yourself a TBR list or have a TBR jar to help you get through the ever growing pile of books?

thank you for reading new

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